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How many credits are needed to graduate?

25 credits

How many credits are needed to be promoted to the next grade?

Grade 9 to 10 - 5 credits (2nd year in high school) (Four of the five credits must be in core subjects)

Grade 10 to 11 - 11 credits (3rd year in high school) (Six of the twelve credits must be core subjects)

Grade 11 to 12 - 17 credits (4th year in high school) (Eight of the seventeen credits must be in core subjects)

What are the graduation requirements?

Students must meet specific credit requirements as well as pass high school assessments and complete service learning requirements. Every student is provided access to the  Educational Planning Guide where graduation requirements are listed as well as test and service learning information. If your child does not have an Educational Planning Guide, it is available at

How do you sign up for PowerSchool

There is a username and password for every student and their parents to look at grades on PowerSchool. If you do not have your PowerSchool login information, please contact the guidance office.

How many days can a student miss in a marking period?

If you miss more than 17 days of school, you risk failing for the year and/or, in the case of seniors, not being able to walk for graduation.  In order to make up a day of attendance after missing 17 days, you are able to stay for two hours in twilight which is equivalent to one day of twilight for each day of absence.  You may not earn days back in advance.  If you are reporting to twilight to earn back a day, please inform the teachers there that you are doing so.

If you believe some of these days are actually due to Covid and should not be counting towards the 17 permissible days, please contact the main office to rectify.

If you find that you have to miss a day, please make certain that you bring in a note, preferably a doctor’s note.  If you have questions or concerns about your absences, please see someone in the main office as soon as you are able.

How do I make a change in my schedule?

Go to guidance and make an appointment with your counselor to see if a change is possible.

What do I do when I can't get in touch with a teacher?

Try both calling and e-mailing the teacher.  If you continue to have trouble, contact your child's counselor.

What is the scheduling process (i.e. how are classes selected)?

Registration information can be found on the guidance webpage.  Students are asked to request courses using the online scheduling link and discuss these options with their parents. Counselors then meet with students individually to review their earned credits and remaining credits required for graduation. Each student's educational and career goals are discussed and students are advised on course selection based on what courses are most appropriate for their goals.  The final requests are then input into Powerschool.  If a student wishes to make any changes after that, they must contact their counselor directly. 

What clubs are offered and how do I join?

Sports, clubs, and other extracurricular activities are listed on the school's website. If you are interested in a particular extracurricular activity, contact the coach or advisor using the contact information on the website.

How do I buy a yearbook?

To purchase a yearbook, parents can visit or they can wait for the publicized yearbook sales that take place at school throughout the year. If ordering at a school sale, students need only to bring in a check or cash and they will be issued a receipt.

How do I get into the National Honor Society (NHS)?

In order to be academically eligible for selection into the NHS, a student must be a junior or senior with a weighted 3.7 GPA. Students, who have met the GPA requirement, will be invited to complete the application process. Completion of the application does not guarantee admission into the organization. Once applications are collected, they will be reviewed by the Faculty Council, and the decision of membership will be based on a standard rubric scoring for all applications. Applications will be judged based on service, leadership, and character.

Where can I get information on my child's attendance?

Attendance information is recorded in PowerSchool.  Also, you can contact the main office to speak with the Attendance Secretary.

When does the marking period end?

The county calendar posted at lists the end of each marking period.

When are report cards issued?

Report cards are typically issued apprximately one week after the end of the marking period.

How do I get information about Work Permits?

Youth Workers, 14-17 years of age, can now receive a work permit online at

Where do I get Motor Vehicle information?

There is an attendance verification form required by the Motor Vehicle Administration.  This form will verify that the student has not missed more than 10 unexcused days for the previous two marking periods. Student and parent/guardian signatures are required before our guidance office can complete this form.  MVA attendance forms can be found at:

How soon can I request homework for my child who is out sick?

Three days from Guidance, but students can e-mail teachers directly to get work as soon as they are out.

How do I get a vacation request approved?

Within 2-3 weeks of the vacation, you must send an e-mail to the principal requesting the days for vacations.  Students are only permitted to take up to five vacation days per school year.

How do I appeal a teacher's decision concerning my child?

You should first contact the teacher to discuss the incident.  Administration should only be contacted after you have spoken to the teacher and a resolution could not be achieved.

How do I set up a conference with a teacher to discuss my child?

Parents can contact the guidance office to arrange a parent/teacher conference.