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Grading Information

Any time you need to adjust a grade, you will need to complete one of the following forms:

Incomplete Request - this is to be used if you are wanting to give a student an incomplete for the marking period

Grade Recoup - this is to be used if the student currently has a 50-59.9% for their marking period grade and they have completed the work necessary to earn a passing grade.  Students should be completing the work within 10 school days of receiving their report card and teachers should be submitting the change here within a few days after that.  Any grade changes you wish to make beyond that time frame should be submitted as grade adjustments.  Teachers must also fill out the separate paper form - these can be picked up in Guidance.

Grade Adjustment - this is to be used in all other instances where a marking period grade needs to be changed (i.e. they had an incomplete and have now brought the grade up, they finished some assignments to bring a grade up, they had a grade below the grade recoup range but brought it up to the grade recoup range due to the fact that they had additional time to complete some assignments, etc.)  Teachers must also fill out the separate paper form - these can be picked up in Guidance.

Independent Study - Credit toward high school graduation may be earned for independent study or internships in which a student successfully demonstrates pre-established curricular objectives. Principals and teachers will work with instructional coordinators to determine objectives and course of study.